“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” J.K. Rowling
Strong families and communities are united in their purpose. However, moving in one direction isn’t necessarily the best form of unity (ask any lemming as they fall off the cliff together).
Some people believe unity is conformity. I think that entirely misses the mark. To me, unity is best when our common purpose truly benefits us all. It’s best achieved by using our unique and individual strengths. This allows creativity to shine in attaining the positive results that please God.
So how do we identify a direction that helps us reach our common purpose? There’s an easy answer: acting in ways that help a greater number of people MUCH MORE than they hurt. Since there are many more people in need than those who are not, that’s a good place to start.
Of course, need isn’t only defined by finances. People are just as vulnerable when they’re hurting, sad, lonely, or simply lost in the chaotic whirlpool that often characterizes today’s reality. If you keep your eyes and your heart open, they’ll cross your path. When they do, it’s simply God giving you a chance to help as part of our common purpose. The good you’ll do will come to you instinctively. The more practice you have, the better the instincts.
Meanwhile, we can reach our individual purpose by acting in ways that help the people we are closest to MUCH MORE than they hurt. Once again, let your instincts be your guide and they’ll get sharper with time.
“Will my actions help the ones around me more than they hurt?”
“Will my actions help a greater number of people than they hurt?”
Two anchors to kindness that will keep us from drifting away from our purpose as individuals and a community. THIS is unity worth striving for. Blessings For The Family – Ward