Our Mentors Shared the Positive Lessons of Life for Over 20 Years
Note: This landmark service is paused until sufficient resources are secured
Tough times hit when you least expect it. We all know what they can do to parents, children, and families.
Fortunately, life taught our Mentors how to help a compatible parent find their way. Maybe that’s why they learned such meaningful lessons.
Our Parental Mentoring Initiative served parents of kids from 11-17 who may be about to go on the wrong track. Please click here to learn more.
Our Motherhood Mentoring Initiative served expectant mothers and parents of young children ages 0-8.
Every parent we served was dealing with personal and family challenges that did not require professional counseling. A compatible Mentor helped them create a resolution strategy that was tailored to their unique situation. Each Mentor was trained in advance. Both the Mentor and the parent they guided were screened before their weekly dialogue began.