Every person is part of an extended family called the human race. We all face challenges in dealing with life no matter where we live, what culture we belong to, or how much we earn.

The art of caring helps make life bearable. Honoring people and organizations who excel at it reinforces our societal health, especially when unkind people and unhealthy actions are so excessively featured. It’s only one way that For The Family spreads Kindness of the Heart across North America and around the world.


Our mission is to enable caring people to honor the Golden Rule by being each other’s keeper. When so many negative trends threaten our quality of life, it becomes more urgent with each passing day.

That’s why the kindness that is common to all cultures must assert itself with the passion it deserves. Our unwavering commitment to help this happen is evident throughout Kindness of the Heart.

We must remember that kindness is always stronger than the forces that seek to overwhelm it by creating fear, suffering, and despair. The more it’s practiced, the more powerful it becomes.


Thank you for standing with us, and for being kind yourself.

Please click here to learn more about the Family Referral Network, and here  for Celebrating The Positive..

There is no easier way to make a positive difference


For The Family, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit agency based in Tampa, Florida.  It has been incorporated since 1998, when our Family Referral Network began mentoring parents in confidential 1:1 telephone dialogues.  The Family Town Hall Series began in 2013.  Our agency is registered with the Florida Department of Consumer Services.

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