“We celebrate the Golden Cow, praise the bloated bank account”
Sheryl Crow sang those words in 2008. They seem even more true today. One might think that we must accept how it is used to reinforce control over those who don’t have the resources to fight back.
Nothing can be further from the truth. The power of money pales in comparison to the power within each of us to do good. After all, money is just a means and not an end. Those who use it to break down the goodness within us are just like those who use a hammer to destroy and not to build.
When you help someone in any way you can, you stand tall against the hammer. When you raise your voice on behalf of the vulnerable, you help build strength that no hammer can crush. When you keep your faith in a brighter future, history shows that the hammer will not win.
Our agency offers a means to THAT end. The caring people who volunteer to mentor parents are a resource of kindness that keeps us going despite seriously limited finances. Our ability to show that we are all vulnerable but for the Grace of God is a blessing. It’s a message of hope that I THANK YOU FOR SHARING. Blessings…Ward